In response to Covid-19 we have developed a 'tiered
approach' to focus on school catch-up and
our immediate priorities.
Please see the image below...
In response to Covid-19 we have developed a 'tiered
approach' to focus on school catch-up and
our immediate priorities.
Please see the image below...
Crawford's C of E
Primary School
Meet The Crawford's CofE Primary School Team
"Following Jesus, together we care, inspire and achieve"

Mrs Joanna Ling
Designated Safeguarding Lead / Prevent / E-Safety Lead / Literacy, Science & Early Years Lead
Class 2

Mrs G. Watson

Miss J. Grist
Teaching Assistant / Forest School Lead
Mrs R. Keetley
Administration Assistant
Miss K. Clark
Learning Support Assistant

Miss J. Faiers
Senior Lead Teacher
Class 3 Teacher / Maths, History & Geography Lead / Alternate Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mr A. Bourne
Class 4 Teacher / I.T & Science Lead

Mrs J. Cook
Teaching Assistant / OPAL Co-Ordinator

Mrs N. Faiers
Office Manager
Miss C. Oliver
Outdoor Play and Learning Assistant

Miss J. Kozirko
Class 1 Teacher
Early Years

Mr J. Robinson
PE lead
Classroom support teacher

Mrs R. Buckle
Teaching Assistant / Speech & Language Lead

Mrs L. Carter
OPAl Play assistant
Mrs S. Rudling
Learning Support Assistant