In response to Covid-19 we have developed a 'tiered
approach' to focus on school catch-up and
our immediate priorities.
Please see the image below...
In response to Covid-19 we have developed a 'tiered
approach' to focus on school catch-up and
our immediate priorities.
Please see the image below...
Crawford's C of E
Primary School
If you would like your child to attend our school, please see details of our admission arrangements below.
In Year Admissions
If you move to the village or surrounding area (or you wish to move your child from another school to this one) then please contact the school directly. It is recommended that you visit the school with your child to assess whether it is suitable as this will provide you with an opportunity to meet the children and Headteacher.
Admissions to Reception Class
First admissions to the school are organised through Suffolk County Council. We have adopted the Suffolk County Council policy for admissions which can be found here. The over subscription criteria for the school also follow Suffolk County Council's Policy. If the school receives more applications than it can accept then an appeal procedure is followed - if you are refused a place at the school please contact the school office about an admission refusal.
Under Suffolk LA Admissions Policy there is a single admission date each year in September, for children whose fifth birthday falls between 1 September and 31 August. Children may be admitted into the Reception class full-time or half time, from the beginning of the Autumn term. It is possible to ‘stagger’ the start to school for children born in Spring or Summer. Please contact school or admission office for more details. Children must legally attend school full-time in the term following their fifth birthday, the national statutory school age.
The Current Pupil Admission Number (P.A.N.) for our School is 15.
Our Reception teacher provides opportunities, every Summer Term, for children to visit the school. She also makes visits to other nursery pre-school providers.
Visits to the school are warmly invited.
We recommend you apply online
It is quick, easy, and secure to apply online.
By applying online you can:
Receive confirmation of your application by email;
Check or change your application right up to the closing date;
View the outcome of your application online on the offer day (after midnight);
Receive an email with details of your school offer. A letter will also be sent to you on the offer day by second class post.
We cannot confirm the outcome of your application over the telephone or before you receive your letter.
To apply online please go to
How to contact SCC School Admissions
Contacting them online is quicker, easier and costs less than a phone call. You can contact them using:
Webchat from Monday to Friday, 9am to 4:30pm
Email at
If you need to contact them by phone please call 0345 600 0981.